Few people understand air rights including many lawyers, aviators and entrepreneurs. The subject has not been very interesting since the…
The coming era of Drone+Rail Intermodal will accelerate EVTOL commerce by leveraging over a hundred years of transportation knowledge and…
The use of “air rights” in the real estate context is a bit different than in aviation however stores like…
Air Rights deals in the commercial real estate space seem to be getting larger.
Here is another interesting example of how air rights are being rediscovered in the era of personal aircraft. From current…
The public is not yet engaged in the discussion about air rights and drone delivery. Once Amazon, UPS et al.…
NYC has long had an active air rights market but the past few years have seen many major air rights…
Major cities are discovering that creating active markets for air rights are a revenue generator and an efficient way to…
Another case of a real estate developer suing over air rights worth $100m. Bigger air rights deals are becoming commonplace.…